Empowering underserved communities

A generational change is required to foster sustainable agribusiness practices.

Our mission is to mobilize leadership for underserved communities by empowering individuals with skills for career paths, business ownership, and improved quality of life.

We’ve done it before and can do it again!

Our leadership team brings experience in mentorship, guidance and training of new volunteers; implementation of the practice of agribusiness and direct-to-impact community outreach; and passion for change in the community. We’re a family that embodies the saying of “many hands make light work.”

Ready to take the next step?

This is a movement of billions. Whether you’re most comfortable contributing time to help achieve our advocacy goals, money to help us grow, or energy to put political pressure on our governments to change, we need you on our team.

“Cutting food waste is a delicious way of saving money, helping to feed the world and protect the planet.”

— Tristram Stuart, English author and environmental campaigner

Let’s meet up in real life to work towards empowering the community.

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